
My name is Simmie Berman. These days I’m an engineer, a baker, and just trying to live my life as someone willing to try anything once.

I was born in Seoul, South Korea in 1984 and was adopted by a wonderful lady whom we refer to as The Jackster. I grew up in Massachusetts, before heading to upstate New York for college, and finally settling in Maryland where I live today.

My mom brought me up in Jewish household, sending me to Jewish Day School and Hebrew school and I can speak Hebrew better than I can speak Korean. By a lot. I’m married to a great guy named Andrew and we’re navigating life where I teach him about latkes and Passover seders and he perfects Korean BBQ.

Until recently my Korean identity was limited mostly to the food, but recently I’ve started exploring what being Korean means to me and I’m hoping to use this blog to reflect on my Jewish, Korean, adoptee identities and the intersection of them in my life.